In the world of Cosby, the production approach is focused on helping children develop their learning, creativity, socialization and imagination skills, as well as taste and fun. In each of our products, there are toys that develop children’s hand skills. It develops their understanding of problem solving, playing games, and playing with their friends. It helps them to understand and know themselves, to cooperate with the team, to gain mental flexibility and to their development.

As Cosby, we produce our delicious, interesting and entertaining products not only for children but also for all members of families. Children’s play with family members and friends strengthens their relationships. With its 15 years of experience, innovation and surprise toys, Cosby has adopted the principle of providing great play experiences for families and developing children while making them happy.

Soon, thanks to our new application, you will be able to bring the fun world of your imagination and discovery to digital with the augmented reality feature of our toys.


In the world of Cosby, the production approach is focused on helping children develop their learning, creativity, socialization and imagination skills, as well as taste and fun. In each of our products, there are toys that develop children’s hand skills. It develops their understanding of problem solving, playing games, and playing with their friends. It helps them to understand and know themselves, to cooperate with the team, to gain mental flexibility and to their development.

As Cosby, we produce our delicious, interesting and entertaining products not only for children but also for all members of families. Children’s play with family members and friends strengthens their relationships. With its 15 years of experience, innovation and surprise toys, Cosby has adopted the principle of providing great play experiences for families and developing children while making them happy.

Soon, thanks to our new application, you will be able to bring the fun world of your imagination and discovery to digital with the augmented reality feature of our toys.