With Cosby’s understanding of quality, we carefully select and use our raw materials without going beyond the standards of all our products. Quality assurance in taste is also a part of our tradition. We add little surprises to this flavor to make our products instructive and improving. We design our products not only for children to enjoy, but for the whole family to have a pleasant time. With our little toys that we constantly develop and diversify by using the fun of thinking, constructing and exploring, we both make children happy and support their development and communication skills through games. We design our quality and delicious snacks so that everyone, regardless of age, can have happy moments. Quality production is our sine qua non.


With Cosby’s understanding of quality, we carefully select and use our raw materials without going beyond the standards of all our products. Quality assurance in taste is also a part of our tradition. We add little surprises to this flavor to make our products instructive and improving. We design our products not only for children to enjoy, but for the whole family to have a pleasant time. With our little toys that we constantly develop and diversify by using the fun of thinking, constructing and exploring, we both make children happy and support their development and communication skills through games. We design our quality and delicious snacks so that everyone, regardless of age, can have happy moments. Quality production is our sine qua non.